Why the Need for Portraits?

Personal Branding Portrait

Some industries a portrait is necessary. Performers, musicians, entrepreneurs almost need their face put out into the world. It is a means for marketing themselves and their work, their art. That line between professional and personal endeavors is becoming increasingly blurred, with the Rise of the Personal Brand. I photographed a wonderful woman who had a list of places she wanted to use the portraits for. It got me thinking about all the places a portrait can be used.

More people are pursuing their passions these days and starting blogs, Instagram accounts, Etsy shops and the like merely because they love what they do and want to get their voice out there. Adding to the many social media profiles that have an avatar we are putting more of ourselves out there. Our face is usually the first thing that people see. Whether you want to stop people from scrolling on social media so they can see your art, need an image for an upcoming performance program, or are looking for love on the many dating websites. Professional photography can make a huge impact. A professional Portrait can not only boost your confidence but show the world the real you. That’s why this woman who you see here came to me. S

That’s why this woman who you see here came to me. She came with a list of place she wanted to use the images and knew it was important. I got thinking of all the places a portrait can be used.


Places you can use a professional portrait

  • Social media profile photos
  • Online Dating Profiles
  • Attach to a resume for an immediate great first impression
  • Print for family members
  • Christmas cards or thank you cards
  • Reminder to yourself of your passions
  • Artist bio for art show
  • Your Blog so your readers can connect with you
  • Print and put away for when your kids get older and move away.


A cportrait is not only a way to market yourself, and your personal brand, online. It also serves a long term purpose. If you have a family; which everyone does. it is a physical record of your existence. If you do not appear in photographs how will generations behind remember you? They will look back at images of you, what will they find? From the candids to the classic portraits. How are you defining your legacy?


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