Becca DeWan, Choral Conductor | Why Music

Looking back at my time in Music School I can distinctly pick out several people who I thought would go on to do incredible things. Here is one of them Becca Dewan, Choral Conductor, Music Educator, and dear friend. We sat down before our portrait shoot and talked music. It’s funny how we as musicians don’t talk much about our own connection to music; we just get it. It was an honor to have photographed you as you take the next step in your musical career!

I remember Becca being very driven in our undergraduate classes and her dedication to her craft was very strong. She fell in love with being the podium in front of a chorus and has devoted her energy to making music in that realm. And now to influence future educators to do the same. That certainly has not changed as she is continuing her studies to earn her Ph.D. Starting with finding her passion in music.

I love the craft of shaping music in the moment with live beings in front of me. I think that is real exciting.

Becca DeWan

Finding that thing that makes us come alive and then finding ways to share it with the world is what makes us all artists. For Becca it was being a Choral Conductor and educator. For others it may be financial planning. We all have something what is your Art? Check out her Why Music video below and I’ll let her tell you her art.

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