Sara Nelson | Energy work for your Style, Space, and Self

Style, Space, and Self. 3 areas of everyone’s life that could always use some work. A master of energy, Sara Nelson of The Dreamy Dragonfly, can start the process of shifting your energy. Believe me, I have a first-hand account. Simply by meeting her you can feel her emphatic energy radiating from her. I also had my first Reiki experience and have started recognizing the energy that I am holding and putting out there in the world.


The path Sara has taken in her energy work is unique and encapsulates all of her passions into what she does. Something everyone should strive for. As a previous stylist and consultant for a jewelry company, she found that many people she interacted with had some struggles with their closets. Nothing to wear, or nothing fit, and the stress that that can cause doesn’t start the day off on the right foot and often leads to more stress because we come home to clutter with the clothes on the floor. I had never equated that part of my day or space to have such a strong impact on my energy. I have started to be conscious of it and am making efforts to shift that energy by taking steps to clear the crazy off my floor.


In addition to the clutter in the closet, Sara also tackles your home and your space and believes that it really has a strong influence on your life. As a Feng Shui Consultant, she can transform your space. Some stories of the shift that she has witnessed in people are incredible.


Now having gone through a Reiki session I can attest that it has started a shift. A shift that was needed. We talked briefly before the session and Sara was able to pinpoint some things that hadn’t even come up in that discussion just from doing her work. Blocks I was having and keeping me from moving forward. I invite you to experience it. Here is more from her directly

These portraits were created for her business. But I truly believe that they capture her essence and am thrilled to be able to provide printed photographs for her to pass on to her family and remind herself of her inner Mover and Doer. She helped me reconnect with my love for what I do and inspired me to shift my energy.

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