Ricky Brewster | Actor Headshots

An actor needs a good headshot. One, or several, that can show different angles and characters within the person’s arsenal. Ricky Brewster pulled out all the stops and we created some incredible images for their theater and acting portfolio.

As a theater major at The University of Southern Maine, Rickey quickly fell into a flow. One that would carry through the entire session and fuel both of our creative energies. Maybe the 80’s music in the background helped a little.

From the beginning, I suggested Ricky can change poses after every shutter click to keep the energy flowing. They were on their game with every pose and expression was great. Some drama and then classic looks followed by something different. I loved the versatility of movement and expression. Many hours on stage and rehearsing lines I’m sure was the base of it all.

Having a little fun during a session is a great exercise for me and the client or subject I am photographing. It gets us both of the routine and into a more creative headspace. This is often when some real moments happen. A neon yellow sleeveless shirt and beret started this journey and we just went with it. Even donning a knitted poncho for the end.

Ricky knew what they wanted and brought a vision to the session. I get excited when clients bring this energy and ideas into the creative space. And we get to collaborate and bring our visions together and then to life. We are our art and it lives through us. Thank you Ricky for this wonderfully creative session.

Doing more of what brings you joy and enlivens your soul is what we need in life. Live your passion and share it with the world. It is unique to you through your life and experiences. Helping others realize and reconnect to this fire is what I love about the work of being a portrait photographer.

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