Making Connections and Some Portraits


You may have recently seen my social media posts about getting involved with a pretty cool project. I am incredibly grateful for the connections I have made and continue to make. That’s what it’s all about. You may remember the face above from my very first Artist Profile. Read on for more images and exciting news.

In an industry that that is said to be “oversaturated and under appreciated” there is something to be said about setting yourself apart from the rest of the noise. I don’t think the photography industry is either oversaturated or under appreciated. Yes, there are a lot of people wielding expensive DSLR’s but everyone should have their own unique vision and eye for the world around them. A way to stand out and differentiate themselves from others. There is art in that; creating your own vision out of the constant media stream. The connections you make I also believe have an effect on your vision and art.

Focusing on artists, creatives, makers, movers, and doers is intentional. Seeing the benefit of surronding myself with like minds and seeing the inner fire come forth in portraits of these individuals. Every person I have worked with has given me wisdom and insight into their creation process and inner determination. I recommend everyone to seek those that inspire you and lift you up and aren’t afraid to pursue their own passions. It will have a huge impact on your own endeaveors. Those are the connections I search for. Some recen connections, and reconnections, have done just that.

Recent Connections and Reconnections

Recently I was contacted by Ryan Esbjerg of Flex Your Face. He is one of those passionate people whose mission is to ignite other and remind them of the little things in life that make it great. He pitched a new program he is working on, called Flex Your Face University. A program that promotes connections between people online and ultimatly in person. Check it out on facebook. I loved the idea and have already filmed some spots along with a quick shoot with a good friend Kevin Oates to show what it’s like during a shoot. Here are some of the resulting portraits of Kevin.

Thank you to Ryan and Alexa for reaching out and filming. And to Kevin for being awesome in front of the camera.

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