Kate Bathras, Coach | Personal Branding

Sometimes things just happen and you have a feeling that there is more good things to come. After the first meeting with Kate Bathras about getting some images done for the branding of her new coaching business I had this feeling. Call it a trust-your-gut moment but I knew this would be an incredible experience. It sure was.

Kate Bathras, Coach | Personal Branding | Wohler & Co.

Often times people who have a personal brand don’t really know where to start with new imagery and end up just going with a headshot or two. That is totally fine, however, if you completely infuse your website, social media, marketing materials with images that show the real brand, personality, YOU. That really brings your brand to the next level. As a certified coach, Kate was ready to do that. Working with a website designer and a stylist for women that does way more than just pick out clothes for you. She also had a hair and make-up artist coming to the shoot as well. More about them in a little bit.

When a client comes to me with a crystal clear picture of what their brand should look like and what they want to portray. It makes it a lot easier to create images around that. Developing a brand through imagery ties it all together. The mood and feelings that are intended to be felt all the way down to target market and clients they are searching for. All of that goes into creating images for a brand.

With the help of two awesome women who stay throughout the shoot, we got everything we were looking for. Huge shoutout to Carrie Montgomery for her work with Kate on styling from the soul. It was definitely felt with everything she brought. Highly recommend her. Also, to Lesley from On-Set Salon for the perfect hair and make-up, and sitting in as an extra for a few shots at the end. Working with a team like this really gave me more creative freedom as I didn’t have to constantly think about the clothing, hair, or make-up. I think I will be looking to add those services in the future.

Go beyond the headshot and really show your personality in your personal brand. Check out the behind-the-scenes video with more images from the day.

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