Gregory, Class of 2018 Jazz Pianist

Portrait of Gregory, Class of 2018 Jazz Pianist at the piano | Wohler & Co.

I had the distinct pleasure of working with a young musician recently. Gregory is an incredible jazz pianist and is looking to continue his education in music when he graduates high school. A little more than a typical high school senior photo shoot. But that is how we do it here at Wohler & Co.

Gregory is already an established player, with regular gigs and occasional freelance gigs around the Southern Maine area. This session was part senior photo shoot and part headshot session as he is looking to start marketing himself for lessons and gigs. Thinking ahead to his college career and what he might need. Some of his college applications also require photos of the incoming student with their instrument so why no go all out.Portrait of Gregory, Class of 2018 Jazz Pianist in concert hall | Wohler & Co.

We were able to use the Concert Hall at the University of Southern Maine School of Music. Being an alumna of that school has its perks. A beautiful piano and an empty stage was all we needed. With some shots in the empty seats and outside to give a little more variety. Gregory was great and warmed to the camera nicely, especially after getting play on the Steinway while I circled around him with the camera. It was tough focusing on creating images when all I wanted to do was just listen and marvel at his talent and dedication to his craft. I see him going far with his studies.

Really excited to share these portraits of a young jazz musician who is a true artist. I wish you all the best in your future.

Senior yearbook deadlines may have passed but it’s not too late to book a session if you want prints of your senior. We can make it a family session too while you are at it and get those Holiday cards out of the way too. Get in touch to schedule a meeting.

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