Finding my Light and Tools

Well, it has been a little while but I thought I would share some things that have been going on. Finding the light.

Using the available light in a scene or location has been something that I have loved working with and finding creative ways to use it and manipulate it. Through proximity to windows and reflectors and such, I have gotten pretty comfortable in that type environment. Though if I don’t have a large enough window to work with then I really can’t produce the work that I want to. So what can I do?

Bring in the light! I have had a light for quite some time now and have used it occasionally but have been drawn back to it recently. I am loving the results. A classic look for the portraits that I like to shoot that really lets the person stand out. Using simple backgrounds as well only adds to the intimacy of the portraits. Let me take you through some of the light tests I have done recently before photographing headshots.

Portrait of Wohler & Co. Owner Will WohlerPortrait of Wohler & Co. Owner Will WohlerThe above two are very similar only using different backgrounds. The one below is exactly what I was looking for. I got really excited when I looked at the back of the camera for this one. It is a combination of the dark background and the direction and quality of the light. This will be a go-to set up in the future. Portrait of Wohler & Co. Owner Will Wohler

This has been a fun experiment, both with light as well as being in front of the camera. It is a lot different having a camera on a tripod versus having someone behind it directing and actually pushing the button at the right moment.

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