Energy Management for Showing up Fully

The guest article was written by Kate Bathras. Energy Management is an important topic for those who are preparing for a photo shoot, or any major event in their life.

Energy Management for Showing up Fully

When we prepare for an event in which we are showing up to share ourselves with the world in some way (such as a photo shoot), we often tend to the logistics of making sure we’re physically and mentally prepared.  We make sure we have what we need in order to do the thing.  Keys?  Check.  Notes?  Check.  Glasses?  Check.

It’s just as important, however, to tend to our energy if we want to make a powerful lasting impression.

Whether having your portraits taken, giving a talk, or attending a meeting, you want people to experience your essence, your passion, and your purpose – in addition to your physical presence and expertise.  Anything you do is an opportunity to express yourself in a way that cultivates connection and allows people to feel like they have a sense of who you really are.  

Tending to your energy by clearing away anything that is clouding the view of who you are allows those passionate, creative, connective parts of you to shine through. 

How do you do this?  Here are some tips for simple things you can do in advance of your event to tend to your vibration so that you show up fully, ready to shine!

1. Connect with your own sense of purpose

You want to portray who you are and what you bring to the people you serve.  It’s really helpful if you can connect with a felt sense of your own purpose. 

A quick exercise can help you connect with your sense of purpose on an energetic level.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath.  Envision yourself interacting with someone you’d like to connect with.  Ask yourself, how do I want this person to feel when they’re with me?  Notice what that feels like in your body, and any words that come up.  When it’s time to show up, repeat those words to yourself and invite that feeling into your body.  Envision yourself projecting out that energy all around you, and go do your thing!

2. Slow it down

We become contracted when we rush.  The energy stops flowing, and we’re not able to shine as brightly.  We also get caught up in the little things that tend to stress us out.  We forget things.  We spill our lunch on our shirt.  We stub our toe on the way out the door.  We become discombobulated, which impacts our confidence.  Slowing down and giving yourself time between appointments ensures that you don’t waste energy dealing with the unintended consequences of your rushing.  

It also gives you time and space to tend to your inner world.  When you have time, you’re able to deal with emotions or stressors as they arise, rather than pushing them down to deal with later.  This clears the way for your energy to flow, allowing your true essence to shine through.  This means the people you’re trying to connect with get a view of who you are when you’re present, vibrant, and connected.

Practice:  Each time you transition between tasks throughout the day, pause and take three deep breaths.  Notice what comes up.  If possible, allow yourself a few minutes to be with whatever you’re feeling.  If you need to move on, simply acknowledge what’s coming up and write yourself a note to revisit these emotions or realizations later.

Laptop and other Desk items | Kate Bathras -Energy Management for Showing up Fully

3.  Nourish yourself

Don’t forget your basic needs.  It’s easy to overlook these in favor of “more important” tasks, but showing up well resourced goes a long way.  Sleep, movement, hydration, and nourishing food set the foundation and provide the fuel.  Feed your body, mind, and soul what is needed in order for you to feel strong and energized.  When we’re depleted or denying ourselves basic care, it shows.  When we’re taking care of ourselves, that shows, too.  

Leaning against a wall by the ocean | Kate Bathras -Energy Management for Showing up Fully

Kate Bathras is an Integrative Energy Coach supporting people who want to make a difference in the world and feel fully alive while doing it. She helps her clients slow down to move forward in a potent and inspired way while expanding their capacity for all aspects of life so they can step fully into who they’re meant to be and the work they’re here to do.  She lives in South Portland, Maine, and is a fan of both the ocean and the desert, impromptu dance parties, and questioning everything.

I hope you found that insightful into how we can cultivate our best self through energy management and show up for ourselves, our business, and our family during a photo shoot.

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