Dustin LeVasseur | Experience with Creativity, Collaboration, Celebration, and Community

Going to a show, a normal part of most adult lives. Whether it is a rock concert, play, or performance art we all have been to one of these. Imagine instead of “being played at” the experience involved you as the audience but also a participant. A concept that is still swarming around in this guy’s head. Changing the way we engage and interact with each other. I thoroughly loved talking with Dustin about his passion and if this can help him get the ball rolling then I am happy to be apart of it.

A stint in New York working with elementary age students sparked this passion for collaboration, celebration, and community. Creating a place where others can interact with a performance or work with others to create now works with their talents. The possibilities are really endless but the common thread? Creating an experience. We talked through so many ideas and I was excited for each one! Experiencing a musical performance where you as the audience are immersed in story and become part of the narrative. It can be as simple as cooking with friends or your family and then having music performance based on the culture of the food you are creating. The discussions, stories, and new interactions are what drive that experience. Changing how we participate in each of its parts. Separately they are their own thing but when combined through collaboration leaves it wide open.

He admits to enjoying short stories and children’s books more than novels. That mentality and what he is trying to accomplish is very much what a child would do. Playing with others and creating their own worlds and scenes while singing their own improvised songs. I think we lose that sense of childhood fantasies and experiences as we grow up but Dustin wants to change that. Watch for more from this guy in Portland, Maine. Here he is talking about what he does.

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