Practice is part of any artistic or creative endeavor. When that practice turns inward as your inspiration for your art it can be powerful. Creating from within is the ultimate goal and as a photographer, this, for me, has translated into self-portraits.
As the pandemic continued and we were all mostly isolated, I, like others turned to their art as a way to cope and continue that itch to create. Some amazing images, shared here and here, came out of those sessions I did in my cramped bedroom.
These images started the journey into self-portraits but also self-discovery. Being able to outwardly express things that I normally wouldn’t be was a cathartic experience that I wasn’t intending from the outset. These images mean so much to me and may only serve that purpose but it is the act of creating and finding a little more of myself through the process that I am taking from it and continuing the journey.
I have decided to challenge myself to 1 self-portrait shoot every month. Along with a little push from another photographer I admire and follow online, Cat Forde-Coates, who is hosting a self-portrait challenge every month. I decided why not. The creative energy is there and I can think, plan, dream, and see the images in my mind. But the real work is the process of bringing it into the real world.
As a creative and business owner this has transferred over to the work I do with my clients as well. It puts me in their shoes and can troubleshoot ways to ease the noise of self-doubt while elevating the inner artist we all have waiting to come out. That I believe is one of the truest versions of ourselves and may not see the light of day. This process has brought that out of me and I can only imagine what it can do when I work with others.
There will be posts sharing the images every month. You can follow along here and new posts will be added once they are published. I am excited about this process and to share the results.