5 Reasons to Hire a Branding Portrait Photographer

Minolta SRT101 Camera

Let’s face it you have a lot on your plate as an entrepreneur or small business owner. Especially if your brand is you. Here are 5 reasons why hiring a branding portrait photographer is worth the investment.

1. Free Your Mind

Free your mind, and the rest will follow

En Vogue

Yes, I just quoted En Vogue and although the song isn’t completely relevant this line I think is. When you free up your mind to be present, what you are wanting to do will most certainly follow. You are the business owner and shouldn’t be doing it all your self. If you are I would highly recommend looking at ways you can. It has helped my business tremendously. I’m sure you outsource parts of your business from accounting to marketing. Why not photography?

Trying to find the right angle, background, lighting, settings and all that shouldn’t be your responsibility. In fact, if you are doing portraits or headshots of yourself then you can’t be fully present because your mind is on the technical things associated with being the photographer. It is tough for your brain to switch from the photographer to the business owner who wants to represent their brand and give the right expressions that fit the company’s vibe. Free your mind. Hire a photographer so you can embody the brand you want to show the world. After all, you are your brand.

2. Specializing in Branding Portraits

There are a lot of photographers around these days and they all seem to do everything. A wedding photographer can certainly create images for you if that fits your brand. However, their specialty is weddings, which have their own set of skills and techniques. Your brand and business are important to you so why not invest in an experience where you can represent your brand and have images that truly fit your vision for your brand. Branding portraits are more than just headshots.

Taking the extra time to explore your brand and vision with your photographer is important so that the images match what you envision. Getting it right the first time can have lasting assets that wouldn’t need to be updated again because they didn’t quite fit.

As a Branding Portrait Photographer myself, I take pride in getting to know my clients and marrying their vision with my skills and knowledge to create images that are a perfect fit. It is more than just showing up and having your photo taken. You are investing your time in your business so take the time to do the same for the images that will represent your brand. It will pay off in the long run by showing the world more about your brand, which is more than just your logo and fonts. More of the right people will connect with your images and then want to work with you. That simple.

3. Setting You Apart

I’m sure you don’t want to look like everyone else out there, especially your competition. So why would the imagery on your website and social media look like everyone else? No one person is completely identical in what they are drawn to, what they like, or how they show up in the world. So your business shouldn’t be either and should resemble your values and beliefs. The images that are created can fill that out and present your brand as the unique entity that it is. Both attracting the right people and repelling the who don’t resonate with it. We all want to work with someone we know, like, and trust and the images you use can be the first impression someone might have of you. Standing apart from the crowd is good and you can do that with imagery.

Unique branding image | Personal Branding Photographer | Wohler & Co.
Image created for Alicia Sastamoine-Rackley for her new Wedding Photography website

4. Consistency

A big box brand has a tough job of keeping its brand image consistent across platforms, in stores, and between the various products they sell. They have teams of people on that specific task. You may be the only one in your company and not really thinking about how consistent you are presenting yourself and your business. A friend took a photo for your about page and then you grabbed a stock photo for your website header image. Maybe there are random images that don’t quite fit but are close enough.

While that is great when starting out to just get something out there. A polished brand has a cohesive look and feel. Marrying the images to the fonts, colors, and mood of the website or marketing materials. Having the images that actually work for what you need would save you so much time and present that cohesive look and gives your customers the “I have my sh*… stuff together” vibe.

A branding photography session can consist of many things from portraits in various scenes or scenarios to custom stock imagery of working spaces or out on the streets in the city. But finding out what you need is the first step and then what is most important. Is it a website redesign or a total rebrand? Maybe a new product that needs images for its landing page. All of the images associated with the new thing should look similar. The wardrobe and background selections to the expressions and body language. It all should be covered and molded before the photoshoot even happens. A session with us will go through all of that and then some.

5. Finding YOUR Branding Portrait Photographer

There will likely be a time where imagery will need to be updated so having a photographer that you can call on that you know and trust and will deliver the images you need. This can be an important business relationship especially if you will need images frequently. Making the process smooth and stress-free. Having a connection that you can utilize in this way is also important in business and will free you up to work on other areas of your business. The added plus of the photographer already knowing your brand and business will help in creating the right images, even if your business is pivoting or rebranding.

Start with an audit of your brand and business to figure out what you need for imagery and what you are already putting out there. Is it consistent and does it portray what you want your brand to be about? Then you will have a more clear picture (pun intended) of where to go from there. Another great article about the difference between Headshots and Personal Branding Portraits can help guide you further.

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