My Reconnection with Prints as a Portrait Photographer

Wohler & Co. Inspiration, Personal Reconnection to my Aunt Luanne.

What does a print mean to you? A print of a family member who has since passed on, of someone who inspired you. It’s more than just paper and ink. It can take you back to some fond memories, and a reconnection to your loved ones. I have always loved prints but recently have been feeling disconnected to what I do as a photographer. A little reminder of this was exactly what I needed.

When my father passed away, one of the first things I grabbed was the photographs that he had. The albums, framed prints, and small snapshots of our family. Mostly of me, but many of generations long passed. At the time, I instinctively grabbed those because I knew they were important to him. As a photographer, they are the bread a butter of what I do but I hadn’t completely connected the meaning to the craft because I was focusing on being a better photographer. Something inside has brought me here to this point, to where the meaning and craft are coming together.

I have been avoiding the task of going through these photos and know it will be hard for me. But, I know it has already had some lasting change. These images are of my Aunt LuAnne, a graphic designer who had her own company called Wohler & Co. and a huge influence on me. Her drive and creativity were unbounded and every time we were together there was always some creative talk or creation. That drive pushed me to continue Wohler & Co. with her in mind, and provide portraits to people that will have the same power that I have experienced. Reconnecting to my past has given me new inspiration and love for what I do and provide to my clients.

Prints are even more an essential part of what is offered here. A personal branding portraits or headshots for your business can still be a treasured print to someone down the road because it shows you in your truest self. That’s what you want your family to remember you, right? That is what I see in the portraits I have shared here. Prints will last lifetimes. Don’t let images get lost on hard drives or social media. Do yourself a favor and print your favorite images of your loved ones, put them up somewhere where you can see them every day. We are in a now generation and want things at our fingertips. Prints can do that.

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