Tim Ostergaard, Future Music Educator | Why Music

Tim Ostergaard, Future Music Educator

It is always amazing to see someone come into their own and then forge ahead to pursue their dreams. As a photographer, I can see this in the portraits we create. This future music educator is no exception.

I first met Tim when he came up to the Southern Maine Music Academy at the University of Southern Maine. Having attended the other summer music camps at USM this was the next step. A young musician eager to learn has grown to a passionate musician ready to share his knowledge with others while he continues to grow. He is off to Ithaca New York to study Music Education.

Seeing Tim’s growth every year at camp just shows his dedication and drive to get better at his craft. His spirit and kind-hearted energy will aid in his endeavors as a future music educator. I see big things from him down the road and can’t wait to see where he goes with it all.

As for the photo session. Tim has his own flair for fashion and wanted to show that off a little. He brought a classic blue suit that lent itself to a more magazine-inspired feel. That was also his mom’s request. She wanted the GQ look. The Seersucker jacket is probably his signature look and has worn it many times for performances and other functions. I knew that was a must as well. After we got the more formal stuff indoors we went outdoors for a little more casual vibes.

Tim, Future Music Educator

I couldn’t help but think of a Time Magazine cover with this portrait.

As part of my on-going Why Music Portrait Project, Tim was gracious enough to sit and be interviewed. watch the video below and hear him talk about why he is drawn to music. Click the video below to watch.

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