Sharing is Caring

The internet is a wonderful thing, with all the cute cat videos and memes out there. Social Media, in particular, is great for connecting with friends, family, and others. Photos, videos, and articles are easily shared and what you share shapes how the world sees you. We all want to be a good people and we think the same of others we interact with online. Giving credit to those we have worked with in our own pursuit of art and purpose, or just really love the work they do. Show them, and everyone else, that you really appreciate the work they put in to give the service and products.

The best way is to share on social media. Now, there are some things to think about when sharing on social media.

Wouldn’t you want someone to credit you for all your hard work?

If someone shared work that you did for them, how would you want to be credited? Well, you would want to be mentioned at the very least, right? Even if you are sharing someone else’s work it is courteous to mention them, and tag them if possible. Especially if you are sharing because of the great work they did with you. It will also make sure others can easily find them. Tag their business Facebook page in the description of the image, or tag the image directly. I’m sure they would greatly appreciate that gesture, and you would too if the tables were turned. Think of it as the social media “thank you.” Here is an example:

Best way to credit those you work with. Facebook sharing.

Are you looking to get more people interested in your work?

Now I know it can be difficult to build your following or client base without buying ads. One simple way to reach more people is by tagging others in social media posts. You are not only attributing the work they put into the project but you are also helping them reach more people. In addition to the people that follow you, or your page, you will also be reaching some of those that follow the person, or page, you are tagging. And vice versa; a win-win.

So in short, be kind and say thank you to the great people, businesses, or organizations that you work with. Credit them properly in your posts, or ultimately tag them. We love when we see others’ sharing our work and tagging us. Thank you!

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