The Rise of the Personal Brand

There are so many factors that can go into a personal brand and we all are actually building our own “brand” through social media posts and interaction on the internet. What is your brand?

What is a Personal Brand?

According to Wikipedia:

Personal branding is essentially the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others about an individual, group, or organization

A lot of us, I’m sure, have put a lot of work into our resumes, trying to make a statement about ourselves in order to get the job. I think that is how the Personal Brand concept started. Now, in the age of social media, a resume is only part of the image people create of you. Images, tweets, Facebook interactions can all play into the perception of you. With all of the additional input now, a clearer picture can be painted of who we are and our “brand.”

With social media being a window into our lives, our passions, beliefs, and secrets are exposed in a new way. We have the ability to “curate a life” to only show the best of what you do and hide the other stuff. Utilized correctly it can have a major impact on the work that you do or the art you put out into the world. The opposite can also be true, but let’s focus on how it can benefit you. As our social media evolves I see the connection to real life and our “online” lives becoming blurred and unified. There will always be a need for attention and for us to be seen as who we are. I think that is human nature. Marketers have capitalized on that and it has spread to the masses through the use of social media.

Personal Branding image of Matt Lagarde, Musician and music educator

We have the power.

From online journals to blogs, from facebook and twitter to images and videos. There is only going to be more media created and shared, most of it self-produced or curated. The blurred lines between real and online also have the ability to empower us and give us confidence. The ability to share who we are and what we stand for. We have the power to define that and make a statement about who we are; our brand, and is the best way to differentiate ourselves from the noise. Actors, musicians, Artists, Entrepreneurs, Wellness Coaches, all are personal brands. Your art deserves to be seen, heard, and felt. It is an extension of you. Put it out there.

Do the words, the images, the content you are putting out there really reflect who you are and what you stand for? What are you doing to stand out and get your work, your craft, your art, out into the world and be seen? We, as humans, have a desire to connect and there are a million and one ways to do that now. Start with the first impression and show the best version of yourself in a portrait.

3 Images for Brands & Artists

Download your FREE guide on the 3 must-have images for personal brands and artists.

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