Nina Andersen | Conductor, Clarinetist, Musician

Nina Andersen - Headshot of a musician, clarinetist and conductor | Wohler & Co.

A connection to music is a life-long endeavor for many. Some choose to be involved in several ensembles, others choose to teach lessons. Others make it their life’s work. You have seen several musicians here on this site and I am happy to add another into the mix. Meet Nina Andersen, a very active member of the local community music scene here in Maine.

As a member of the music community myself, I have made some incredible connections with musicians. Many who have continued to make music a large part of their life. Nina Andersen is one of those people. From teaching lessons and performing as a clarinetist to conducting a local community band, and now directing the New England Adult Music Camp which is held at the Snow Pond Center for the Arts in Sydney Maine. She continues to keep music in her life and if you have met her can feel that passion. The connection she has with music and engaging in its various facets was ever present during our portrait session. She has definitely found her art.

I look forward to seeing where her projects go and may end up signing up for the adult music camp. Having gone to music camp myself as a kid I can only imagine that it is exactly the same. The people, the music making, the comradery. That is what really drew me into music, and I’m sure many others as well. When you find that passion that sticks it’s hard to let it go, especially when it makes you come alive inside. Embrace it, and make it your own and keep it in your life. That side of you that comes alive can sometimes be hidden and the world deserves to see that more often. That is what I want to capture in my portraits.

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