Michael Beling | Why Music

Music is both internal and external, connecting to oneself and to the others around you. Michael Beling eloquently described his connection to music as just that. We created images that show his style personality and is a step into a new sense of being for him.

We met to talk through what he envisioned and a contemporary style and feel seemed to be the overlying theme. With a new focus on creating a new style for himself as a way step into a new stage of his life, Michael and I talked through various ideas. From casual to a more modern look. He arrived in a straw fedora and it totally worked so I knew it would be part of the shoot for sure!

Michael Beling | Musician, Composer, Educator | Wohler & Co. Portland Maine Portrait Studio

The design part of the process is important because for both me as the photographer and you as the person being photographed it starts the creation process and the final look and feel starts to come to life. That is why we meet before every shoot to go through touch points. I wouldn’t have known he was having a custom tailored suit, or he had just bought the straw fedora if we didn’t talk about it.

Everything came together so nicely especially being able to talk about his passion for music. He recalled one of the first times he really felt music was while waiting to be picked up from summer camp and listening to the album Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd and having a physical reaction to what he was hearing. He has found his art and these experiences have continued as he makes his career as a musician. Watch his Why Music video to hear more from him and see more images from our time together.

Interested in lessons or what Michael Beling does? Check out his website.

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