Jack-of-all trades, Matt LaBerge, wants to do it all if he could. Acting, singing, composing, teaching. Music has been been a part of who he from an early age. Making up songs about pretty much anything, to performing on stage in musical theater productions. He has a devotion to his craft, in whatever he does, that is infectious. Putting it all on the table every time.
Matt was in need of Personal Branding images as he is building his resume and online presence. After the session, we sat down and discussed his musical career thus far and his dreams, and Why Music. It is still fascinating talking with other musicians as everyone has their own unique outlook and connection to their craft that mirrors who they are. Matt is no different.
His role as narrator of the Portland Symphony Orchestra’s Kinder Konzerts connected him more to his love of teaching a younger demographic. One he says is so eager to learn and why he loves teaching elementary school. Something we can all learn from even as adults.
While it is often looked at as generalizing if you don’t ‘niche’ down in your field, Matt’s philosophy and outlook on his craft bring all of his skills, strengths, and areas of expertise altogether. I’ll let him speak more about that in the video below.