Lynn Teo | Acupuncturist and Healer

With a move to a new state and having to rebrand her business and services. Lynn wanted to get it all right from the start. New website, business name, branding, and new imagery. As an Acupuncturist and Healer, it can be a very personal business and she wanted to be able to have clients connect with her right from the beginning.

The newly redesigned website for Lynn Teo: Acupuncturist and Embodied Healing was really the impetus for the new imagery as she already had worked with a designer on her logo, branding, and colors. We talked about how the brand evolved and what she was looking for so that the images can blend with everything else to make a cohesive brand.

Lynn has a wide range of personalities but wanted to make sure we represented the professional side, with a little goofiness. She told me during the session that she had a little stint in clown school. I can totally see that side of her as well. While we didn’t get THAT goofy it made for a really fun session with a lot of laughter.

Having a variety of expressions can be a great way for potential clients to connect with you before they reach out or need your services. The best way to do that is visually in images and videos. This discussion is part of every Personal Branding Portrait session during our consultation.

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