Jim Lenn | Why Music

Jim Lenn on Ukulele

I was introduced to Jim through my mom and she knows him from her church as well from taking Ukulele lessons. It was such a thrill to talk with him about his musical background. And why he still is just as passionate about music as he was when he first started.

Guitar and Ukulele

We talked a little bit before the shoot but it wasn’t until we met in person did I feel his passion for teaching music, specifically Ukulele and guitar. Drawing from his own experiences as a musician and sharing that with his students. I know my mom says wonderful things about how he teaches and she really enjoys taking lessons from him. With a degree in music education it is wonderful to talk with another educator who shares a similar passion for teaching and seeing others grow.

I was able to see him perform some tunes at a local winery while I visited home. It appears effortless when he is playing and singing. So glad I was able to hear him and photograph him for my Why Music portrait project

His background in music goes way back to childhood and started with the music he listened too. Some times away from music never lasted very long as he was pulled back in. He says he start Ukulele because he didn’t want to check his guitar on a flight and since the Uke was so much more portable he picked on up. Well he was hooked and hasn’t looked back. Here is a little bit from our chat that really speaks to his passion for what he does.

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