Why Do We Hate Having our Photograph Taken?

Serious question and I know hate is a strong word. But I hear it all the time. “I hate having my picture taken.” Do you feel that way? Why do you think that is? Does technology have a part in it? I’m genuinely curious. I kind of want to sort through some of my thoughts on this and would love to hear what you have to say.

What is the first thing you think about when someone has a camera pointed at you? Think about it. That may be what is driving our dislike of having our photograph taken. For me, sometimes it is that I can’t see what I look like and feel a little insecure. Not being able to see myself as the photo is taken so I can hide some of the “flaws.” If you have a good photographer they can do that for you.

The immediacy that technology has given us where we can see images instantly is likely the cause. While stumbling around on the interwebs I found this article relating to self-esteem and not feeling photogenic (warning some strong language). I’m sure many can relate. I did but it got me thinking about what I do as a portrait photographer.

I do believe there is still some magic in a portrait that is lost a little when we can instantly see the image on the back of the camera. The time between the shutter and the printed image is necessary as part of the art form.

The millennials can think back to when we were younger when there were no digital cameras with LCD screens. There may still have been a feeling of dread for the first day of school or at Christmas time photo. But what was your reaction when you saw the printed photograph? There was probably some time between when the photograph was taken and when it was printed. So could that have had an impact on our reaction to seeing ourselves? I honestly am not sure but I have been thinking about this recently. After having heard “I hate having my photograph taken” so many times, then a shift when they see the finished images of themselves. Sara’s testimonial below shows that. I am curious about what goes through everyone’s head. I’m sure it is different for everyone. Feel free to comment below or if you want you can send me a private email.

What goes through your mind when you have to have your photograph taken? What would ease that tension for you? Is it something the photographer can do or is it entirely up to you?

A portrait can be a window into our soul. Is that what we are afraid of? Seeing ourselves, our flaws, and our insecurities? What if a portrait showed you how others see you? The kind, joyful, powerful, confident, creative side that may not be seen too often. Would that change your impression of yourself? I’d love to show you that.

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