Happy Father’s Day

May is the month of moms and June is the month of Dads. For those of you who no longer have a parent to call or bring out to dinner, it can be tough. For me, I lost my father; or Pa as I called him growing up, back in 2013 and every father’s day is tough. The one thing that does help is being able to see his face. Thanks to the power of printed photographs. This image is hanging on my wall and I look at it every day.

Happy Father's Day

You probably have seen this image of my dad before. It is one of my all-time favorite portraits I have taken and was the start of my deep passion for portraits and providing that service to clients. My father was the one with the framed photos of me scattered everywhere in the house along with many photo albums of images from our family’s history. To this day I have yet to go through them all. Partly due to the not having enough time to adequately devote to it but probably the real reason is that I avoided it. You see my dad and I are very similar and I, like a lot of people, don’t like to do things that are uncomfortable. Well, that is how we grow.Prints of my father as a kid These images solidified the fact that I am more like my father than I wanted to admit. Popcorn is a favorite snack and Christmas is my favorite time of year. It also means that I am similar to him in other ways as well that I am only now coming to terms with. I am seeing that more and more and I am ok with that. He was an incredibly generous and compassionate human being and those traits are what I remember when looking at the photographs I have of him. That is what has pushed me to pursue this wonderful career in portrait photography. These prints have the power to move you.

What does a portrait of your father say to you?

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