Evan Cuddy, Violist and Music Educator | Why Music

Meet Evan Cuddy, Violist and music educator, here in Portland Maine. A passionate musician who has a studio of musicians he coaches and teaches. It was an honor working with him on some new personal branding images.

Evan Cuddy, Portland Maine based, Violist and Music Teacher | Why Music

Evan is doing some great things for his private lesson students. Having to rework his system, due to the pandemic and move everything virtually, he still keeps a pretty full studio with over 35 students. Ranging from piano to violin and viola.

At an early age, Evan was drawn to the viola. With everyone else in his 4th grade class wanting to play the violin he decided to take a different route and stand out. He describes the decision to play viola as one of intrigue because the instrument was different and everyone else was going with the violin.

The drive to continue persisted through school as he saw himself progressing and enjoying the process of self improvement in the craft of music making. Eventually leading him to teach those very things to his students.

Evan Cuddy, Portland Maine based, Violist and Music Teacher | Why Music

Evan’s own experiences in the practice room are always influencing his lessons with students. Taking his approach to techniques and translating them to his students to help them progress. That is one of the joys that teaching brings him.

We sat down virtually to record his Why Music interview and here is a little bit more about Evan Cuddy’s connection to music, in his own words

Be sure to follow him over Instagram as well.

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