Soprano and private voice instructor, Erin Chenard, has been making strides in her musical career. From performing again to embarking on a new challenge of teaching voice at the collegiate level and her own private studio. Needless to say a new headshot was in order.
Erin has her own unique style which works well with some of the roles she has had in operas. There is a term “Pants Role” or “Trouser Role” which is a character meant to be played by the opposite gender, most commonly women playing male roles. During our consultation, she mentioned wanting to find a black vest to go over a shirt she had and wanted a somewhat pirate look. Well, she couldn’t find the right vest so she made one. Pretty epic if I do say so.
The other images Erin was looking for were meant for other purposes like a general headshot she can use for performances as well as on the company website for her job. Having just started her private voice studio having something that would show a more welcoming side of her in that role as well. I always recommend a variety of images from sessions as there can be different uses for certain expressions or posses.
Erin and I also sat down to talk about her connection to music. A wonderful conversation, given the state of the world and the need for connection to our art. Hear her words and how music has shaped her view of humanity.