Daniel Laverriere, Future Music Educator and Singer

Having someone in front of my camera who embodies their goals and ideas is where the magic happens. This Future Music Educator hasn’t even finished up his degree yet but already has amazing plans.

The 4th or 5th grade “instrument petting zoo,” and elementary school choirs are full of eager children. It is quite an amazing time. One of the most popular musical choices is the trombone, you know because you can do cool slides. Daniel began his musical career like many others in public school and chose the trombone.

It wasn’t until a few years later where he was introduced to choral music and singing in a large group. This set the stage for this future music educator.

Daniel attributes much of his inspiration to singing in large ensembles and being able to sing with others and feeling a sense of community in those ensembles. Much of that still carries with him today as he pursues a double degree in Music Education and Vocal Performance from the University of Southern Maine School of Music. He plans to be a future music teacher or performer, or both, and is keeping his options open in that sense.

The performance aspect of music, as Daniel mentioned to me, is a lot like teaching. Both influence each other and should be considered equal. I’ll let him tell more about his connection to his profession in the video below. His future in music is bright.

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