Dan Kaschub, Aspiring Film Composer | Why Music


A child of two music educators and a talented musician himself. I had the pleasure of photographing this young musician for his senior portraits. We talked about his connection to music and his aspiration of becoming a film composer. His sights are set.

Dan’s parents were professors of mine at The University of Southern Maine School of Music and are still working hard to make the school even better. With Alan, his father, now being the head of the school, Dan has some incredible shoes to fill and is already doing just that. With a pretty full schedule performing with his school ensembles, the Portland Youth Ensembles, and any other groups he can. He always has time to listen to music. Soaking it all in as inspiration for his own music.

As part of the session, we did some more traditional outdoor photos with some greenery in the background. But it wasn’t until we moved inside that the images really kicked it up. I am always amazed when I find beautiful light in the most unassuming places. The image above was in a stairwell with a large window. The subjects usually forget their skepticism once they see an image or two from that location. I love it.

Dan and I sat down at the end of the shoot to get to his connection to music as part of my Why Music portrait Project. Knowing him from summer camp and as a little kid, it was exciting to hear of his goals of becoming a film composer and going off to music school. After a little time here at USM. He is a long way to go as music can be an endless pursuit but he has a good head on his shoulders and a passion for what he does. Check out more images from the shoot and hear him talk about his favorite part of the music making process.

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