Confidence Comes with Comfort | Meredythe + Kylie


When a camera is in your face it can be extremely uncomfortable for most people. I feel it whenever I am in front of the camera. What do I do? Do I look alright? Many more questions can start swirling around in my head. My confidence can be squished from all that chatter. I’m sure you have felt that way when you have your photo taken. Have you noticed when that chatter isn’t present and you are fine with having your photo taken? It’s probably because you are comfortable in the situation. A variety of factors can play in that comfort level and a recent couple’s session revealed that to me.

Meet Meredythe and Kylie, both creative in their respects. Meredythe an actor, and model who goes by Ryan Trinity, and Kylie a writer. These two came into this shoot with openness and excitement. From the first images, I knew this was going to be a blast. It surely was. Their energy was infectious and their connection was real. Having each other present, the photo shoot jitters disappeared rather quickly. Which I pondered after the shoot. How was this environment different? How does one get comfortable in front of the camera?

This instance was special. They were so comfortable being themselves around each other that it didn’t matter there was a camera pointed at them. They have found their art in their relationship with each other. Their confidence came from being with someone they were comfortable with, as well as knowing and trusting the photographer. Meeting with clients beforehand and getting to know them, I find, dramatically helps nerves on the day of the shoot. The combination of that process and the incredible connection they had with each other, allowed for their truest selves to come alive. A true pleasure to witness and photograph and something I will strive for in every photo shoot.

Enjoy some more of my favorites.

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