Colby Ellis | Why Music

Portrait of Colby Ellis at a keyboard | Why Music

Meet Colby, a multi-talented instrumentalist; trombone and piano, with an interest in engineering and music therapy. And he is in the 2019 senior class at Kennebunk High School. He will be going far.

Colby and I have worked together at the Southern Maine Music Academy for the past couple of years. Seeing his passion and love of music grow just in those short amounts of time is a pleasure to witness and I was excited when he was willing to sit for my “Why Music” Portrait Project. I knew he would have a unique take on music just from our initial consultation. He is also one of the founding members of Project Play Back, with Juli

Being his senior year he wanted to have some photos to show his passions. We talked about the beach since he lived so close, but he wasn’t a beach kind of guy. He said he spent more time in Corthell Hall at the University of Southern Maine than he did at the beach. So that is what we did. A comfortable place where he has memories of music making and friends. We also went outside for some more traditional outdoor portraits. We lucked out with the foliage that day but were fighting the wind. Thanks to mom for the eyes and having a brush at the ready.

With an interest in studying engineering after he graduates I was intrigued to hear how he connects to music. A transfer of emotion, as he calls it. A description I hadn’t really heard before. But can completely relate. There is something about musicians and our connection to music. We may not be able to describe it or explain it in words but we get it when someone else describes their experience. That is why I am really enjoying this project, both as the portrait photographer and the interviewer. I’ll let him take over from here.

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