Chiropractic Family Wellness | Headshots

When staffing changes it’s time to refresh the office headshots. Chiropractic Family Wellness, at Oasis, did just that and we made it quick and easy. Which is important during the time of COVID.

I have worked with the owners of the facility, Dr. Meg and Dr. Carol, on headshots before and a little profile video when they first opened OASIS back around 2017. I have been a chiropractic patient of theirs for many years now and can’t recommend them enough. It is more than just a fix your aching back sort of place and meant to be a more holistic approach to wellness. From the yoga studio and massage to acupuncture, nutrition counseling, and others. It is a great place.

With a change over in staffing there needed to be an update to their website so scheduling a time for everyone to be there, I set up a studio in their yoga room. Everyone came through and we were able to select their favorite image right there as I was connected to my laptop. A super-easy way to choose your favorite image right on the spot.

The team decided to have a clean look to the shots and wanted a neutral gray background. They decided to all wear black and I think it looks great. Classic but also simple. The expression is where it’s at for headshots. We made sure to get a team shot as well.

Whether you are a chiropractic office, or a tech manufacturing company. Giving your employees a refreshed headshot can amplify your company’s online presence. Even if you only work with other businesses.

Happy to talk with you about how to set this up.

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