Alex Lehmann, Senior Musician

It is always a pleasure working with musicians, of any age, ability level, and journey. Hearing about their experiences and love for their art is inspiring. Alex Lehmann, a masterful flutist, and musician is the next installment of my Why Music project.

Alex comes from a musical family. So naturally one might think he was born to be a musician. But it wasn’t until recent years did he really get serious about it. Having studied and performed in places like Tanglewood music festival, Vienna, Austria, and several competitions already. He is on his way to being a master of his craft.

Alex is an incredible musician and is just about to graduate from Scarborough High School where his dedication and determination are pushing him into the professional music world. I can’t wait to see where his career takes him.

Alex and I sat down, virtually, to chat about his experiences with his craft and why he is deciding to continue in becoming a professional musician. Watch the video below to hear more from him and a recording of him playing Bach’s Partita for Solo Flute, Mvt 3.

It was an honor photographing Alex and getting to know more about what drives him in his music-making. Here are some favorite images that came out of the session.

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